
God’s Justice is called Mercy…

One of my new year resolutions... or desires, rather (as I don't really believe in resolutions), is to hold, taste and be grateful for the life-giving moments. And I had one such extended moment this past week: the possibility of participating in the Clergy Summer...

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The Incarnation: God’s “I trust you”

I don’t like Christmas carols. Sorry! I never have. Or at least they do not move me as other music does. However, this morning I found myself in tears as I sang Gloria in Excelsis Deo with the members of a packed church in Singapore. Why? Probably many reasons, not...

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The Power of Gentleness

Lately I feel drawn to blank pages and dark empty spaces…places where I can breathe, and hear, and sense, without much noise. And I know God indwells all things, and I have often sensed Jesus presence in the midst of ministry and service with little sleep, but right...

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Pray Theologically

This is  a short one, and I don't usually simply re-post, but this is simply worth it. It is the message of the Pope to the International Theological Commission on December 5th. I guess it is good to simply note that what is said in such a short message is important...

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Theology through Music: an Experiment

So this is a quick post, and a functional one. Just came back from a quick but really fruitful Conference in Toronto. Will get back to gathering thoughts around that... but wanted to put up on the website an experiment. By way of invitation: The conference was on...

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Sunday Afternoon Meanderings…

Sometimes when I write, or when I have time to delve into a theologian’s life work and allow it explain myself (and my God) to me, I find myself, even in my office at the the end of a  beautiful day shining through my window, (yes, I know – Day of the Lord),...

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A fully lived life

Last week one of my nieces, who is turning 25, wrote me a message (facebook being the way I keep in contact with that generation of my family) asking for a contribution to a book she wants to write, called When I was 25. She is gathering paragraphs on what was...

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More on themes around Theodicy…

After last week's blog on how at times it is music that makes sense of us,rather than us understanding music, in one of my classes, I had the one of most involved sessions of the semester. It was based on the song I wrote about last week and on the forgotten (they...

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Music make sense of us

Every now and again a song stops me in my tracks. The most recent was this one: Say something. I had to stop the car and listen. Even without knowing why: it simply held me, touching something I did not even know needed to emerge and be named. And in all truth I am...

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How does one feel when releasing a new album?

There are conversations that mark us for years, and I had one such chat a few years ago with Cristóbal Fones, SJ, on the happy event of a concert/ prayer time celebrating the Ordination of another friend Goncalo Castro Fonseca SJ to the priesthood. The chat was about...

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